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Exploring Generative AI in the Future of Work

ChatGPT, a generative AI model, is one of today's hottest and most controversial products, sparking much debate around its impact on the future of work for humans. This is not new technology. However, the chat capability that has made it much more accessible to the average user has accelerated adoption and the myriad of ways it can be applied to business needs.

This report explores generative AI and its potential for talent acquisition and optimization and the advancing of the skills-based workforce model through data and AI.  The report identifies best practices and weighs the risks that organizations need to consider when leveraging this powerful technology to drive human-centered opportunities and outcomes. Further, the report discusses how generative AI could impact the workforce, what it means for workers, as well as potential use cases and risk areas, including:

  • 4 potential use cases for generative AI in recruitment: improving candidate engagement; providing deep analytics for talent acquisition; transforming the assessment and interview process; and enhancing job descriptions and talent profiles.
  • Advancing the skills-based workforce through data and AI
  • 4 key risk areas that need to be managed for successful AI adoption: data privacy and security; hallucination and explainability; ownership; and ethics and bias.
  • Empowering procurement with AI


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