For our retail client, the introduction of newly-added light industrial positions in one location was drastically skewing their goal start-submittal time of 18 days by more than 25 percent. Given these roles were characterized by many factors that were not standard of the program, such as short tenure, low max bill rate, low skill-set requirements, unmapped job titles, and an inability to quickly find the proper talent, their inclusion in the managed services (MSP) program created problematic cycle times.
Upon investigation, Allegis Global Solutions (AGS) was able to identify various issues that needed to be addressed for the light industrial roles, including using position title versus exception templates, adjusting the max bill-rate to meet market standard, increasing tenure, and appropriately communicating the potential for full-time employment for these roles. As such, AGS decided to upload these roles into the vendor management system, and increased the max bill-rate from $12 an hour to $19 an hour per our market analytics team’s recommendation.
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